мясо и овощиУ меня был пост про вегетарианство. Попалось обсуждение на ту же тему.
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Basically even if your meat is free range or humanely slaughtered, you're still paying for animal cruelty. There's no such thing as politely taking a life. You can care about cats and dogs but you can't be against animal cruelty if you're paying for it to happen.
And you’re still paying for thousands of animals to be ground up, crushed, poisoned, and eradicated from fields to ensure your vegetables and fruits and bread can be bought for a cheap price at the supermarket. That sounds just as cruel (if not more) as getting a bullet to the brain.
Once again, I can be for animal welfare and be against animal cruelty and still eat meat. This shouldn’t be difficult to grasp. I can be against lighting creatures on fire for fun, hacking off their limbs, boiling them alive, making them fight for profit etc and still eat meat. Because one doesn’t cause pain (if done correctly, I can’t say that all slaughterhouses follow proper procedure) and serves a purpose, the other causes extreme pain for the sake of pleasure.
Just because I support taking a life in a humane way for the purpose of food and clothing as a by product, doesn’t mean I support killing every single animal in a horrendously painful way for no reason other than fun.
Еда без мяса не означает еду без жестокого обращения с животными
Your animal-free food its not cruelty free.
(кому нужны ссылки на статьи, брать у источника)
A quick search of news articles and scientific peer-reviewed publications:
1)This is a peer-reviewed scientific publication about what research is needed by Wildlife Services: (open access paper, PDF file). This paper shows that wildlife is viewed as a problem for agriculture (and other fields), and note that the research needs aren’t all non-lethal options. It serves as a general snapshot of what this agency is doing. For those who don’t know, Wildlife Services recently got into some trouble for their lethal control methods, they’re in the business to kill (usually) wildlife for ranchers AND farmers: [1] [2] [3], if there’s one thing they should be commended for is their ability to swiftly take care of an invasive vertebrate pest without anyone knowing they were there.
2) This is a study about using dogs as a non-lethal means to control deer damage on ag land (open access paper; PDF file): does allowing dogs to freely chase deer constitute cruelty? Well according to this page on using dogs to hunt deer it is, same concept- dog freely chasing deer, if the deer isn’t fast enough the dog will catch it. Farmers have to control deer. This is one of a few non-lethal options, but it meets the commonly used definition of cruelty.
3) This study (open access, PDF) found that blackbirds (Icteridae) alone cost rice farmers TWENTY ONE AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS in 2001. They reported the most common way to address this problem was to either SHOOT the birds (blackbirds are not consumed by people so the carcasses aren’t used for anything), or use a propane cannon to scare the birds, as this youtube video shows it is extremely loud if you’re in close proximity, and could easily injure birds in the path of the released air or keep birds off of much needed food supply or already established nests.
Then there’s this news article which outlines what farmers do whenever there’s an E.coli outbreak… or fear that your farm might have it/could maybe have it one day which would damage your reputation if not just flat out bankrupt you and possibly kill people (ie poison/trap/shoot everything that moves… legal or not).
So in sum, this is just a very small sampling of why veggies/crops are just as damaging to animals as keeping livestock…. and if you think that the sacrifice of many millions (billions if you include inverts) of “pest” species each year is humane or cruelty-free, you need to re-evaluate your position on animal welfare/animal rights/animals in general.
В посте под морем ссылки на различные исследования.
1) Животные воспринимаюится угрозой для с/х. Сущестуют сервисы по их отстрелу по звонку фермера.
2) Отпугивание оленей с помощью собак. Гуманно или жестоко?
3) Отстрел чёрных дроздов и отпугивание их пропаном.
4) Из-за боязни заражения урожаев E.coli фермеры травят всё живое, от оленей до лягушек.
Не забудем про гибель гнедящихся на земле птиц под косилками (сущестуют меры по таймингу сезонов размножения и сбора урожая, но не везде они блюдутся).
Отравлении земноводных, рыб, птиц и далее по цепочке пестицидами.
Отравление хищных птиц грызунами, съевшими яд.
Уничтожения "хороших" насекомых вместе с "плохими".
Сведение лесов под плантации.
Осушение рек и грунтовых вод.
Вы же не думаете, что умереть от жажды более приятное занятие, чем получить металлический болт в голову?